duminică, 29 decembrie 2013

De ce My Way?

Cum în câteva zile se încheie primul meu an ca blogger, înainte să vă las să savuraţi petrecerea de final de 2013 şi de început de 2014, vreau să arunc lumină asupra acestui blog!!! Am primit întrebarea din titlul acestei postări de la prieteni (bloggeri şi ei, sau nu). De ce am ales un nume care te duce cu gândul la melodia celebră My Way, adusă în scenă de inegalabilul Frank Sinatra? Am copiat un maestru?
Trebuie să vă spun sincer, NU! Deşi cunosc şi apreciez cântecul, mi se pare prea de final... prea end of story... în fine, prea pesimist. Chiar şi cele trei strofe centrale, pe care vi le redau mai jos, sunt la timpul prea trecut din punctul meu de vedere, deşi parţial mă regăsesc în ele. Dar iată:

„... Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way

I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fill, my share of losing
And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way,
"Oh, no, oh, no, not me, I did it my way" ...”

Nu, nu sunt eu... nu atât de „la final”. În plus, blogul acesta se referă, în mare proporţie, la călătorii, drumuri şi locuri de pe Pământ, şi mult mai puţin la incursiuni în trecut. Din trecut, nu am reuşit încă să vă redau nici locuri pe care le-am văzut în urmă cu ceva ani, cu mult înaintea apariţiei blogului, iar asta din teama că ele nu mai arată aşa cum le-am văzut eu şi aş putea fi acuzat de... Dar, veţi fi surprinşi poate să aflaţi că am avut totuşi în minte un drum parcurs de altcineva. Iar vă pun la încercare cu un poem, integral de data asta:

Valley Of The Dolls
You’ve got to climb to the top of Mount Everest
to reach the Valley of the Dolls.
It’s a brutal climb to reach that peak,
which so few have seen.
You never knew what was really up there,
but the last thing you expected to find
was the Valley of the Dolls.
You stand there, waiting for
the rush of exhilaration
you’d thought you’d feel - but
it doesn’t come.
You’re too far away to hear the applause
and take your bows.
And there’s no place left to climb.
You’re alone, and
the feeling of loneliness is overpowering.
The air is so thin you can scarcely breathe.
You’ve made it - and the world says
you’re a hero.
But it was more fun at the bottom
when you started,
with nothing more than hope and
the dream of fulfillment.
All you saw was the top of that mountain -
there was no one to tell you
about the Valley of the Dolls.
But it’s different
when you reach the summit.
The elements have left you battered,
deafened, sightless - and too weary
to enjoy your victory.
- Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann

Ei, vă spune ceva? Sau e prea departe în timp pentru voi? Hai să vă luminez. Valley of the Dolls, cartea, a fost publicată de Jacqueline Susann în 1966, a fost bestseller instantaneu, iar mie mi-a căzut în mână prin 1975-76, în original, ajutându-mă să-mi îmbunătăţesc cunoştinţele de limba engleză. Filmul s-a realizat foarte rapid, în 1967, redând o poveste captivantă în interpretarea modestă a Barbarei Parkins, Patty Duke şi Sharon Tate. Vă mai aduceţi aminte de Sharon Tate, o frumuseţe a Hollywood-ului, dispărută tragic mult prea de tânără? Ei, filmul l-am văzut prin ’83 - ’85, în “perioada video”, prin căminele Politehnicii. Fără să ştiu cronicile de peste Ocean, filmul nu m-a impresionat, dar mi-a rămas ca o plăcută amintire Cartea! O citisem în perioada pubertăţii mele şi drumul spre succes al celor trei tinere americance mi-a rămas în minte până azi. Ca şi finalul dramatic din Valley of the Dolls, acolo unde ajung pe rând toate trei... Dolls este termenul folosit în acei ani, în jargon, pentru barbiturice, la modă dar şi creând dependenţă şi, inevitabil, finaluri triste...
Aţi putea spune că iar am deviat! Dar nu, eu am reţinut esenţa, drumul este mai important decât finalul. Drumul este cel care îţi face călătoria plăcută şi memorabilă. Ţinta atinsă devine de fapt doar o etapă a drumului care îşi urmează cursul. Am încercat mereu ca drumul meu să fie memorabil, iar de 10-12 ani de când drumurile mele turistice prin ţară şi prin lume s-au îndesit, în scop profesional, vreau să le fac memorabile şi pentru mine personal! Probabil că presa şi blogging-ul de turism sunt singurele care îţi permit asta peste 90 % ! Prin blog încerc să vă redau o parte, atât cât sunt capabil, din bucuria mea. La Mulţi Ani şi un 2014 excepţional!!!

marți, 17 decembrie 2013

On the Way to the 5-Star Ski Slopes, in Arlberg!

For some years, the Romanians discovered Austria. In fact, they found out a country where you can ski right and on ideal slopes from November to May. If Zell am See has become a true Romanian colony, organizing there every year, Romanian festivals and competitions, Romanians slowly moved west, to the new "territories," taking advantage of numerous air links with Austria or with the southern Munich airport. An example is the Arlberg region, located in western Austria at the border between Tyrol and Vorarlberg lands, and 100 km far from Innsbruck. With five cosmopolite and dynamic sites, Arlberg region is considered the best ski area in the world.

Between 1,300 and 2,811 meters altitude, the Romanians discovered the Arlberg alpine skiing cradle. The history of skiing in the region began around 1901, when the St. Christoph Arlberg ski club opened, and in 1925 opened the first Lech ski school. The slopes are excellently prepared for all skiers: a real El Dorado for alpine skiing and sports!

St. Anton am Arlberg
In addition to top offers, the Tyrolean hospitality is at home here, but the international variety also is not missing. Special programs and a complete gastronomy offer a unique and exclusive holiday.
St. Christoph am Arlberg
St. Christoph resort is located at 1,800 meters altitude and is surrounded by mountain peaks. The village lies just below the highest point of the pass Arlberg, a real snow trap. Equipped on both sides with large amounts of snow on the slopes, the snow reaches up sometimes to the housetops. The tradition is present also here: in 1920 it has been established the first ski school in Austria.

Stuben am Arlberg
Romance and pampering. The long tradition of alpine sports, and special care for families are two of the strengths that define Stuben resort. Pure Romance: this offers the wonderful city, located to the west of the Arlberg region .
Zürs am Arlberg
Today Zürs is an exclusive resort, where many of Europe's royal families spend their holidays. Luxury shops, exceptional restaurants and top hotels offers an incomparable holiday experience. The resort is the preferred option of international guests who seek a refuge where they can enjoy the pure pleasures. In addition to fine restaurants, the stylish bars of the resort guarantee a rich nightlife. This internationally acclaimed resort has a long tradition here coming into operation, in 1937, the first cable works in T shape. The skiers can enjoy skiing tours right outside their hotel. The last hotspot for unlimited adrenaline is the heliskiing, that can be practiced here.
Lech am Arlberg
Lech am Arlberg is a luxurious and exclusive resort, also famous for its exceptional cuisine. Luxury shops, romantic streets and award-winning restaurants are next to an accommodation first class offer, seamlessly combining into a 5-star holiday. Leisure acquires another dimension here.
Hospitality extended in a natural setting is charming everyone. Whether you choose to enjoy a meal or a glass of champagne in Oberlech, you will be enchanted by the idyllic and romantic atmosphere.
The ski area is a bidding one, on one side of the valley is the Rüfikopf area, on the other appears the majestic Kriegerhorn. Slopes for families, great powder snow, and numerous deals.
With its five localities, Lech, Zürs, Stuben, St Christoph and St. Anton, Arlberg is positioned in the front line and is synonymous with one of the best ski regions in the world! You meet her every year winter sports fans and the fresh snow fans, but also hikers from everywhere. In the 2013-2014 winter season are available to skiers more free tracks! In all, skiers have available 340 km of marked slopes, 200 off-slope markings, 94 cable installations, an average of 7 meters of snow from November to May and certainly, the unquestionable guarantee of snow.

Events in Arlberg
January 18, 2014 - Der Weise Ring, Ski Championship, Lech Zürs am Arlberg;
March 30-April 13, 2014 - Tanzcafé Arlberg;
April 5, 2014 - Longboard Classics in Stuben am Arlberg;
April 10 to 13, 2014 - New Orleans meets Snow in St. Anton am Arlberg;
April 19, 2014 - Der Weiße Rausch, ski event in St. Anton am Arlberg;
April 27, 2014 - Closing of the ski season in all Arlberg areas.

Free-riders skiers Eldorado
The huge free-ride areas in Lech Zürs am Arlberg fulfill the dream of every advanced skier. Heavy snow, blue sky and the feeling of freedom when you get first on the slope with fresh snow and you want to stay always here to Lech Zürs am Arlberg.
In the top of the best free-ride ski areas Lech Zürs am Arlberg is on the first place, a real Mecca for lovers of off-slope skiing: 200 km of off-slope routes, snow guarantee until the end of April. Another area attraction is the heliskiing. Zürs resort, located at 1,720 meters altitude, is a Mecca of the alpine free-ride. With the help of the guides, short descents and the longer ones are an unforgettable experience.

Offers and mixtures
300 hotels, pensions and cabins offer a memorable stay in Lech Zürs am Arlberg. Whether you choose a family pension or an exclusive 5-star hotel, anywhere you encounter friendly hosts.
January 7 to 31, 2014, cuts at hotels and guesthouses and excellent skiing conditions!
March 15 - April 27, 2014, skiing in the sunshine of spring is a special attraction for advanced skiers. Spring favorable rates!

Lech Zürs Winter 2013/2014 Offers
Lech Zürs Snow Weeks

An unforgettable holiday in Garni exclusive 4-star hotel and on the slopes of Arlberg! The package includes 7 nights accommodation, Swedish buffet breakfast + Arlberg ski pass valid for 6 days. From 948 Euros per person, valid January 11 to 25, 2014.
Looking for the alpine ski pioneers
Enjoy skiing on slopes discovered by Alpine skiing pioneers, today with modern infrastructure. Yes, such a thing is possible in Lech Zürs am Arlberg! A stay in a particular hotel and half-board, enjoy the slopes of the Arlberg! The package includes 7 nights hotel accommodation, Swedish breakfast buffet and half board + Arlberg ski pass valid for 6 days. From 989 Euros per person, valid March 15 - April 13, 2014.
Special! Soul, jazz and blues music concerts in Tanzcafé Arlberg, free entry, for two weeks starting with March 30, 2014.
Skiing in Zürs Lech am Arlberg
Spring is the most suitable season for advanced skiers. Enjoy the pleasure of skiing on untouched snow and with spring temperatures at favorable rates! Package includes 3 nights B & B accommodation in pension or apartment + Arlberg ski pass valid for 2 days. From 260 Euros per person, valid April 22 to 27, 2014.

vineri, 6 decembrie 2013

Se construieşte hotelul de gheaţă la Bâlea Lac

La Bâlea Lac, la peste 2.000 metri înălţime în Munţii Făgăraş, a început construcţia hotelului de gheaţă, ediţia 2013-2014. Hotelul, devenit un brand al Făgăraşilor, rămâne singurul de acest fel din România şi din Europa de Est. Stratul de zăpadă nu este unul foarte consistent, dar temperaturile foarte scăzute din ultima perioadă au dus la formarea unui strat gros de gheaţă pe suprafaţa Lacului Bâlea, de unde constructorii au început tăierea blocurilor de gheaţă din care sunt ridicate zidurile hotelului. Construcţia, sub tema "barocului", va fi inaugurată de Crăciun.
Hotelul de la Bâlea Lac va avea tot 12 camere duble, un bar şi un restaurant de gheaţă. După Revelion va fi construită şi biserica de gheaţă, dar şi trei iglu-uri, pentru turiştii care doresc mai multă linişte şi intimitate. În acest an cazarea pentru o persoană într-o camerele din hotelul de gheaţă de la Bâlea Lac va costa 400 de lei, iar în iglu, 600 de lei.